A Quick Guide for Small Group Leaders

  We recently re-started our small group ministry at Anchor Way Church. I had the privilege of training our leaders. Part of our strategy at Anchor Way is to be an equipping and unleashing church. That means we place very few “controls” over lay ministry models. We want people to be free to do ministry…

Jesus and Politics

This Sunday, October 2nd, I am starting a new series on Jesus and Politics. This series is an attempt to insert a Biblical voice into the current political narrative around key issues. This series is not going to intentionally endorse a candidate, position or party. However, Christians should know what their faith teaches about current…

The Death of Vision (Statements)

We don’t have a vision a statement. Crazy. I know. When I was a student pastor in the late 90’s I read the book, Purpose Driven Youth Ministry. I grew up going to an Episcopal church that didn’t have much of a youth ministry. So I didn’t have a clue how to do youth ministry….

Three Types of Church Leavers

David Kinnamen wrote a very important book called, You Lost Me. In his book he points out that there are three different types of people who have left the church. He categorizes the group of leavers into three groups: nomads, prodigals and exiles.[i] Kinnamen’s research describes the prodigal’s movement away from faith as a hard…