555 Days of Alyssa

On April 29th we adopted sweet Alyssa Werley. Last night we hosted a Gotcha Party celebrating her adoption. It was a great night. We prepared the slide show below for the party. If you missed it, you can watch the video here. We are so grateful God has entrusted this sweet girl into our care. It’s…

Adoption: God’s Love & The Judge

Today we adopted our daughter Alyssa. I was more emotional than I expected. Those of you who know me know I am a pretty emotional guy, but I thought this would be a slam dunk joyous occasion. This morning though as the thought of all we were adopting Alyssa from I was flooded with tears. We…

Adoption Update 09.2014

Today Angie and I were thinking back to when this adoption journey started for us. It was 2011. We set out to adopt as many kids as we could from Uganda. As the international process stalled out, through much prayer we decided to open up our adoption options to include domestic as well. As we…

Adoption Update 10.23.2013

Adoption Update We were licensed to Foster/Adopt in Houston a few weeks ago. Since then we receive an average 3 emails a day regarding children who need a forever home. Their stories are heartbreaking and a reminder that the ministry of adoption needs more families of various backgrounds to step into the call to foster…